BinG! is happy about new members - choruses, quartets or individuals as supporting members.
Regular Membership - Chorus & Quartet
You are a chorus or quartet and would like to become a member in order to benefit from the many services and advantages of a BinG! membership? Then apply for a regular membership now:
Individual membership
You already sing in a BinG! member chorus or quartet?
As soon as you are assigned to the group with your user account, as an individual member you have all the corresponding rights, without obligation to pay any fees for that individual membership to BinG! arising from this. With the assignment you accept the conditions of your membership.
Quartet members get in touch with the contact person of their prospective group. Chorus singers can start an automated procedure via the button "Become group member".
If you don't have a user account yet, you can set one up here and then find all the groups here.
Supporting Membership
for individuals and legal entities (e.g. foundations, companies, etc.)
You don't sing in a chorus or a quartet, but still want to benefit from the advantages of a membership? Or would you like to support BinG! with financlai contributions? Then become a supporting member.
Please note: Please login first. If you should not have a user account yet, you can register here. Without an account, the application form cannot be used. After login, the application form will be prefilled with your account data.
Please find the application form here: