Support wanted for our youth work

We would like to take the very well-deserved victory of our Youth Chorus at the German Barbershop Chorus Championships as an opportunity to ask for support for our youth work. The BinG! Youth Chorus forms its own association, which is financed exclusively by donations and grants. If you have enjoyed what these 50 young people are doing on stage and in the background, both independently and with great dedication, the BinG! Youth Chorus would be delighted to receive every single Euro to continue their work. The money goes towards the purchase of sheet music, the financing of rehearsal weekends and scholarships, for example, and is used exclusively for statutory purposes

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Donation for BinG! Youth Chorus

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Welcome to BinG!


Our office has moved to

Saarlandstraße 124a, 44139 Dortmund

Barbershop in Germany!

Barbershop singing is a US-American subspecies of a cappella music, which originated at the beginning of the 20th century and has been cultivated since then. Worldwide there are - especially in the English speaking countries - different barbershop organizations, which had dedicated themselves exclusively to male or female barbershop singing. Gradually, however, there is a change in thinking and an opening for mixed barbershop singing.

The German Barbershop Association BinG! (Barbershop in Germany) has understood itself early as an organization for choirs and quartets in any, also mixed ensembles, and takes a pioneering position worldwide for mixed Babrershop singing. With numerous events and activities, the association contributes to improving the exchange of experiences and knowledge, which among other things has led to a significant increase in quality in our groups - certainly one of the reasons why Barbershop music is becoming more and more popular in the German a cappella scene.

Below you can inform yourself about our association, our members and barbershop singing in general!

Our members

You would like to sing along or experience a group in your area? Then just have a look one of our member ensembles!

Member benefits

We offer our members a variety of attractive benefits. An overview can be found here:


We offer a variety of further education and training opportunities for our members. Just have a look!


You would like to be informed about our events? Then register here for our newsletter.


Title Type Organiser Time Address
20 Jahre Klangküsse Concert Klangküsse Saturday, 31 May 2025 - 6:00pm 53757 St. Augustin
20 Jahre Klangküsse Concert Klangküsse Sunday, 22 June 2025 - 6:00pm 53121 Bonn
20 Jahre Klangküsse Concert Klangküsse Saturday, 25 October 2025 - 6:00pm 53721 Siegburg

BinG! News

Can't Stop The Feeling - Harmunichs and Ladies First   

Can't Stop The Feeling - HARMUNICHS und LADIES FIRST begeistern bei ihrem 2. gemeinsamen Konzert.

69 Singers - 4 Musical Directors - 2 Conferenciers - 22 Songs - 260 guests = 1 unforgettable night!

HARMUNICHS and LADIES FIRST proved that competitive thinking can turn into friendship at their first joint concert in Dortmund in...

Post from: 24/03/25

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Welcome to our living room...

Photo: Sebastian Vietor

...that's the attitude with which Barbershoppers like to greet their audience - and when could it be more appropriate than at a concert by Erster Kölner Barbershop Chor in the traditional Senftöpfchen...

Post from: 13/02/25

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BMW Amateurmusikfonds A Cappella Company Dachau   

A Cappella Company receives funding from Amateur Music Fund for promoting Barbershop music in German

October, 2024: A Cappella Company, Dachau's first women’s barbershop choir, has launched an innovative project to advance the spread of German-language barbershop music. With the vision of making the a cappella genre "barbershop," which...

Post from: 24/10/24

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40 Years of Barbershop Blend! 40 Years with Gerda Rabsahl!

1984 - 2024 : Barbershop Blend, the oldest barbershop chorus in Germany celebrates its 40th birthday. It was simply a wonderful anniversary party at our old venue in the Sonsbeck Kastell. Great guests such as the Cologne EKBC and Ladies First from Dortmund...

Post from: 03/07/24

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BinG! Projektchor 2024   

BING! Project chorus 2024 in the Dortmund or Rhineland area

Attention a cappella fans: you can try it out here

BinG! barbershop in Germany is organising a project chorus in the Dortmund area from January to April 2024, with four workshop dates. Whether you already have chorus experience or...

Post from: 22/01/24

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What a wonderful World - concert by MissHarmony and Düssharmonie on 25.11. in Düsseldorf

A sold-out house and a great atmosphere - it really was a brilliant evening for the barbershop singers from "Düssharmonie" and "MissHarmony". The highlight was the song they performed together - also the motto of the concert - "What a wonderful world"....

Post from: 13/12/23

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Barberellas are looking for a new musical director (f/m/d)!

The Barberellas are looking for a new musical director with immediate effect.

At the Barbershop Music Festival many got to know our wonderful musical director Sebastian Dahmen, who unfortunately had to quit due to relocation and private reasons....

Post from: 28/09/23

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