KIQ - Kölner Instant Quartett

Male quartet from Cologne and its surroundings - established 2023

Initially, we only wanted to sing a farewell song for Matthias Neuburger when he handed over the MD role of the Erster Kölner Barbershop Chor to Andrea Figallo - hence the part of our name that refers to the quick solubility. The positive feedback we received encouraged us to continue singing together and even venture into the competition for the Coesfeld Cup as a registered BinG! quartet. We are not bothered by the fact that this has not yet happened in our first year, as we have missed the moment for dissolution anyway. At least we already took the opportunity to present ourselves to a certified jury on the OpenStage in Dortmund.

Stay curious - we are too!

We warmly welcome Fabian Prolingheuer as a temporary replacement for our Bari Hartmut, who sadly fell ill!

Who we are

Kahler Helge
Wardin Thomas
Langensiepen Hartmut
Gottschling Michael

Where to find us