Virtual Rehearsals? (Update 2)
In Verbindung bleiben...

Are you considering rehearsing virtually? Then these hints (in German, with references to further German and English sources) from the VAN magazine (from which the picture was also taken) might help you:

May you do well!

Your BinG! webmaster Thomas

Update: Heise points out that Zoom is giving data to Facebook without notice: (in German). Gore a more detailed analysis see this English post:

For videoconferences without the "original sound" feature of Zoom, I recommend: Jitsi for use with Chrome browser or Jitsi app. Conference servers are available here: or

Update 2: Zoom reacted immediately and removed the data sharing feature from the iOS app with an update, see the announcement here.

Please also note the discussion on using video conferencing solutions here:

other news

New Board for BinG!

On 05.10.2018 the BinG! general meeting has elected a new BinG! board. After the 2-year term of General Manager Franziska Dickhut ended, she did not let herself be put up for election again. President Gabriele von Rauch and treasurer Anna Taferner resigned outside of their term of office.

Harmony College Team 2018

Every year, BinG! Harmony College requires a great deal of organization, loads of time and lots of know-how. Fortunately, we’ve always been able to find dedicated, diligent helpers, who provide for a structured concept, detailed preparation, and keep everything running smoothly. Most of this happens in the background.