Statement of the BinG! Board regarding new development at the BHS

Hello Barbershop World,

Regarding the proposal of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) to hold mixed international quartet and chorus competitions from 2021, we would like to make the following first statement:

We welcome the opening of the BHS to women and mixed ensembles and congratulate the BHS on this approach. BinG! and BHS were already in exchange regarding the future plans of the BHS mixed competitions. Of course, discussions and coordination will continue to take place in order to find a clever solution together with the BHS that takes the interests of all mixed singing barbershoppers worldwide into account. At this, BinG! and BHS are building on years of successful cooperation.

The World Mixed Championships of BinG! will take place in 2020 at our Barbershop Music Festival in Dortmund and are planned every two years. The first Mixed Competition of the BHS could take place in 2021 according to their proposal.

Our World Mixed Championships are wonderful events and spread a special atmosphere - also because they take place in the heart of Europe. In addition, our music festival has a great public visibility, which makes Barbershop and the participating groups also known outside our genre.
We are looking forward to numerous participants from all countries and to productive discussions with the BHS to create a Barbershop open to all genders and people.

In harmony

Max, Conny, Lucas, Julia
BinG! Board

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Coaching Apprentice Program

Unsere eigenen BinG! Talente zu fördern, BinG! Quartette und Chöre sowie BinG! als Verband weiterzuentwickeln liegt uns am Herzen. "Wir", das sind der Vorstand, das Education Team & das Harmony College Team und wir freuen uns sehr darüber, im diesjährigen Harmony College erstmalig ein Coaching Apprentice Program (CAP) anbieten zu können.