Sing! Love! Grow! with BinG! Harmony College 2017
BinG's Harmony College is organised under a special motto every year and this year's 4-day event could hardly have been better described: New Horizons - Sing, love, grow.
Not a BinG! event, but nevertheless highly recommended: Ringmasters and Hör Bänd, young talent comedy a-cappella band from Hannover, will perform at the Humboldtsaal Freiburg on January 23, 2018. The concert was organized by Jazzchor Freiburg and materialized at a really short notice. Of course, Barbershoppers and everybody interested in a-cappella music are very welcome, particularly from the southwest.
Tickets are available at
BinG's Harmony College is organised under a special motto every year and this year's 4-day event could hardly have been better described: New Horizons - Sing, love, grow.
Spring cleaning... is too small an expression for the general overhaul of the new BinG! web presence. "The impression we want to give visitors of our web pages is to be more modern and the information presented in a clearer way. Also the member area is quite dusty, the structure rather confusing and the maintenance awkward ", explains webmaster Thomas Wardin.
The BinG! board is pleased to announce that for the first time in the history of Barbershop there will be a World Mixed Championship of quartets and choruses at BMF2018.
It will take off soon: under the motto "New Horizons - SinG! Love! Grow!" the annual Harmony College will take place, combined with the Quartet College and the Youth Camp. A wide range of courses will be offered, led by national and international coaches.
Brief information:
On October the 1st the BinG! board has been completed in the society meeting in Oberwesel. Gabriele Rösing will continue to serve as society president, Maximilian Hilz has been reelected as vice-president.