Recommendation: Ringmasters in Freiburg

Not a BinG! event, but nevertheless highly recommended: Ringmasters and Hör Bänd, young talent comedy a-cappella band from Hannover, will perform at the Humboldtsaal Freiburg on January 23, 2018. The concert was organized by Jazzchor Freiburg and materialized at a really short notice. Of course, Barbershoppers and everybody interested in a-cappella music are very welcome, particularly from the southwest.
Tickets are available at

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Not the first best...

We are the "Erster Kölner Barbershop Chor" and have also successfully participated in the casting of the Best Choir in the West. Nevertheless we are not looking for the first best!

We like to spice up our performances with the Cologne way of life and a lot of humor. Nevertheless, we are seriously searching!