Every year, the BinG! Harmony College requires a great deal of organization, loads of time and lots of know-how. Fortunately, we've always been able to find dedicated, diligent helpers, who provide for a structured concept, detailed preparation, and keep everything running smoothly. Most of this happens in the background.
Email contact for all questions about our Harmony College:
We'd like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce the 2023 team:

Danny Wohlbrück:
Team Lead (Organizational Lead)
When I started singing in a barbershop choir in 2020, it took me a good year to really catch the barbershop virus. Harmony College 2022 totally flashed me. It was immediately clear - such a great event does not organize itself alone. That's why I'm happy to be a part of the HC team and contribute to another great Harmony College.

Hélène Moelo:
Team Lead (Artistic Direction)
Does it always have to be barbershop? I love all kinds of music. Soft, loud, strident ... as long as it‘s GOOD! I joined the Harmony College team because I want to keep such events alive and growing. My task? Sorting, search, finding, and getting the singers everything they need. I help with registration where I can, and take care of the marvelous songs we will be singing in the choruses. Indeed ... but no – tormenting me will get you nowhere! I’m incorruptible! I won’t say a word!
À bientôt pour chanter un “Tag”!

Pia van Boxen:
Housing & Ticketing
If it wasn't for Harmony College 2018, I wouldn't be singing barbershop at all.... A good reason to help organize it myself :-)
Also, after several years of event organizing with the Harmunichs, I know how much fun it is to work with different people to achieve a goal. And even more fun when the goal is "singing together"!

Mona Gebhart:
Social Media & Travel planning faculty
I learned to love barbershop a little over two years ago through the choir back home, and I'm looking forward to getting a little deeper into this wonderful community with Harmony College and bringing my own ideas to the planning process.
Julia Moldenhauer:
Finances & link to Bing! Board
I wouldn't want to miss the experience I had last year as a member of the Harmony College team. I have grown a lot and am happy to work with such great and creative people. The Harmony College is for me the heart and soul of our association and I am proud to be a part of the engine.