Harmony College Team 2023


Every year, the BinG! Harmony College requires a great deal of organization, loads of time and lots of know-how. Fortunately, we've always been able to find dedicated, diligent helpers, who provide for a structured concept, detailed preparation, and keep everything running smoothly. Most of this happens in the background.

Email contact for all questions about  our Harmony College:


We'd like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce the 2023 team:

Danny Wohlbrück:

Team Lead (Organizational Lead)

When I started singing in a barbershop choir in 2020, it took me a good year to really catch the barbershop virus. Harmony College 2022 totally flashed me. It was immediately clear - such a great event does not organize itself alone. That's why I'm happy to be a part of the HC team and contribute to another great Harmony College.

Hélène Moelo:

Team Lead (Artistic Direction)

Does it always have to be barbershop? I love all kinds of music. Soft, loud, strident ... as long as it‘s GOOD! I joined the Harmony College team because I want to keep such events alive and growing. My task? Sorting, search, finding, and getting the singers everything they need. I help with registration where I can, and take care of the marvelous songs we will be singing in the choruses. Indeed ... but no – tormenting me will get you nowhere! I’m incorruptible! I won’t say a word!

À bientôt pour chanter un “Tag”!

Pia van Boxen:​​​​​​​

Housing  & Ticketing

If it wasn't for Harmony College 2018, I wouldn't be singing barbershop at all.... A good reason to help organize it myself :-)

Also, after several years of event organizing with the Harmunichs, I know how much fun it is to work with different people to achieve a goal. And even more fun when the goal is "singing together"!

Mona Gebhart:​​​​​​​

Social Media & Travel planning faculty

I learned to love barbershop a little over two years ago through the choir back home, and I'm looking forward to getting a little deeper into this wonderful community with Harmony College and bringing my own ideas to the planning process.


Julia Moldenhauer:

Finances & link to Bing! Board

I wouldn't want to miss the experience I had last year as a member of the Harmony College team. I have grown a lot and am happy to work with such great and creative people. The Harmony College is for me the heart and soul of our association and I am proud to be a part of the engine. 

other news

New Board for BinG!

On 05.10.2018 the BinG! general meeting has elected a new BinG! board. After the 2-year term of General Manager Franziska Dickhut ended, she did not let herself be put up for election again. President Gabriele von Rauch and treasurer Anna Taferner resigned outside of their term of office.

Harmony College Team 2018

Every year, BinG! Harmony College requires a great deal of organization, loads of time and lots of know-how. Fortunately, we’ve always been able to find dedicated, diligent helpers, who provide for a structured concept, detailed preparation, and keep everything running smoothly. Most of this happens in the background.