Our arrangers
There are many active musicians in our association who are dedicated to creating barbershop arrangements. Below you will find an overview of the arrangers, a short description and contact information. Our arrangers are looking forward to your request! If you also want to appear on this page, or need help arranging, please contact Kevin Köhl (Kevin.Koehl@barbershop.de).

Contact person for (future) arrangers
If you are already an arranger or would like to start arranging, if you are looking for an arranger for your quartet or choir, if you have questions about the BinG! arrangers, their arrangements or about Kevin, you can contact Kevin directly: kevinkoehl36@googlemail.com.
Who is Kevin Köhl?
Kevin is one of the leading arrangers of the BinG! association and can analyze every tag, no matter how small, in music theory detail. He sings Bariton in two quartets - 4plus and Chord Cracker - and arranges for more than ten years both for these and for other quartets German and English pieces. He was born in 1995 and has been a member of BinG! since 2014.

List of German arrangers
Birgit (Kayser)

Birgit Kayser, *19.4.1952
aktive Barbershopperin seit 1993: Chor- und Quartettsängerin, BinG!-Vorstand, Arrangeurin, Harmony College Dozentin, aktuell Mitarbeit beim BinG!-Polecat-Projekt.
Barbershop-Arrangements seit ca. 20 Jahren, Teilnahme am SAI-Programm „Arrange By Mail“, Besuch mehrerer Arrangierkurse, Arbeit mit BHS- und SAI-Arranging Manuals, einige Auftragsarbeiten, ansonsten Arrangements meiner Lieblingslieder, meist nicht wettbewerbsgeeignet, dennoch 99% Barbershop – knapp 60 Lieder, davon ca. ¼ englisch, Rest deutsch – nein, ein lateinisches!
Neben den fertigen Arrangements habe ich auch schon angefangene Projekte in der virtuellen Schublade, außerdem eine riesige Ideen-Liste mit youtube-Links. Immer wenn ich einen geeigneten Song im Radio höre, kommt er auf den Zettel.
Mehr über mich und meine Arrangements hier: www.4ofb.jimdo.com, ich freue mich auf euren Besuch!
Felix (Lublasser)

Felix discovered barbershop in 2008, and hasn't been able to escape since. If anything, it's actually gotten worse. First, it was only singing. Nowadays, he also dabbles in conducting, arranging and coaching.
He is a long standing member of the Erster Kölner Barbershop Chor (EKBC) and has sung in several successful men's and mixed quartets, partly also in the Dutch barbershop association.
When he's not singing, he lives with his wife and daughter in Aachen, Germany, right by the border tripoint of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Kevin (Köhl)

Hi there! My name is Kevin and I’m thrilled to serve as the contact person for arrangers in BinG!. If you have any questions regarding existing or new arrangements, do not hesitate to contact me!
I started arranging in 2010 and realized pretty quickly how much I love the art of creating an arrangement. 2014 marks the beginning of my very first barbershop arrangements, though I specialized in 4 part harmony shortly after I started arranging. I love exceeding boundaries and experimenting with new and fresh approaches. In 2015 I formed my first barbershop quartet called Chord Cracker. We had a decent run and were able to win some medals. My biggest achievement yet was winning the gold medal in the German quartet competition in May 2023. Currently, I’m singing bass in my newly formed mixed quartet Escapade. Luckily, the other three members are supportive and are kind enough to sing my arrangements.
If I’m not arranging a chart for my quartet or just for my joy, I work on commissioned arrangements of other quartets or choruses, in which I find pure joy and pride. Over the years, I was able to gain broad knowledge of arranging, which I use to tailor charts to the specific needs of the quartets or choruses. I’m skilled in TTBB, SSAA, and All Voice (SATB) Arrangements for contestable and noncontestable contexts. Feel free to visit my website and roam through my existing arrangements list and please contact me if you are looking for a custom arrangement. I’d love to get to work for you!
Thorsten (Engels)

Hallo, ich bin Thorsten, 37, wohne mit Frau Jules und Katze Rumpel in Leipzig und bin leidenschaftlicher Musiker.
Seit 2016 singe, arrangiere und komponiere ich hauptberuflich für meine Vokalband „Delta Q“.
Dem Barbershop gehört mein Herz seit 2010.
Ich bin Tenor aus Überzeugung, und ich liebe es Arrangement-Wünsche im Barbershop- oder ähnlichen Stilen zu erfüllen.
Darum tue ich dies auch verstärkt für mein gemischtes Goldmedaillen-Quartett „SomeSing“ und für jeden, der sich das von mir wünscht!
Mein Motto: Je personalisierter das Arrangement, desto persönlicher die Musik.
Sende Deinen persönlichen Wunschzettel einfach an meine E-Mail Adresse (thorstenarrangiert@gmail.com)