What a wonderful World - concert by MissHarmony and Düssharmonie on 25.11. in Düsseldorf

A sold-out house and a great atmosphere - it really was a brilliant evening for the barbershop singers from "Düssharmonie" and "MissHarmony". The highlight was the song they performed together - also the motto of the concert - "What a wonderful world".

Incidentally, there was barbershop singing all over the country that weekend. In Dachau, "Herrenbesuch" and the "A Capella Company" Dachau met twice for a "double date" and "Maint Stream Magic" in Erlenbach had a joint performance with "Aftershave". In total, we brought 155 BING! barbershop singers on stage this weekend, who sang in front of a total of 1166 spectators (!).  

We did something good for the public of BinG! Barbershop in Germany e.V., didn't we? We'll carry on the torch.

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Harmony College Team 2018

Every year, BinG! Harmony College requires a great deal of organization, loads of time and lots of know-how. Fortunately, we’ve always been able to find dedicated, diligent helpers, who provide for a structured concept, detailed preparation, and keep everything running smoothly. Most of this happens in the background.

Coaching Apprentice Program

Unsere eigenen BinG! Talente zu fördern, BinG! Quartette und Chöre sowie BinG! als Verband weiterzuentwickeln liegt uns am Herzen. "Wir", das sind der Vorstand, das Education Team & das Harmony College Team und wir freuen uns sehr darüber, im diesjährigen Harmony College erstmalig ein Coaching Apprentice Program (CAP) anbieten zu können.