Welcome to our living room...
Photo: Sebastian Vietor
What a breathtaking evening: On January 8, the EKBC was finally able to once again thrill the audience in the sold-out Senftöpfchen! With old and new pieces and two guest quartets, the "boys" offered a varied program ranging from the greatest ambition to hullabaloo - just like the chorus has been known and appreciated for decades.
At the same time, the EKBC is experiencing a change of era, too. With this concert Matthias Neuburger said goodbye as Musical Director. At a belated Christmas party on January 20, Matthias was given a fitting farewell with expressions of gratitude, particularly of a musical nature. He was very pleased that with Andrea Figallo an excellent musician will take over his role. So the EKBC is still to be counted on...
Photo: Sebastian Vietor
October, 2024: A Cappella Company, Dachau's first women’s barbershop choir, has launched an innovative project to advance the spread of German-language barbershop music.
Three ambitious Barbershop ladies from Dortmund and Bochum are looking for YOU to complete a new quartet!
Are you excited to share and enjoy Barbershop experience?
Curious about interesting arrangements?
We`d sing songs in female key or a little higher than male key.
We`d enjoy to perform on stage!
1984 - 2024 : Barbershop Blend, the oldest barbershop chorus in Germany celebrates its 40th birthday. It was simply a wonderful anniversary party at our old venue in the Sonsbeck Kastell. Great guests such as the Cologne EKBC and Ladies First from Dortmund honored us with their great performances and heartfelt congratulations.
Attention a cappella fans: you can try it out here